Dream Analysis Group
"Unlock the Wisdom of Your Dreams"
Jung understood dreams as windows to our soul. Dreams provide insights into our journey in life by balancing out imbalances in our waking attitudes. The symbolic nature of dreams makes them difficult to understand so they often get dismissed or forgotten shortly after we wake up. Imagine for a moment that dreams contain the secrets of the ages and provide an invaluable opportunity for personal development and growth. If that were the case, then it would be a tremendous loss to reduce dream content down to, “something bad I ate last night.” Recurring dreams often get a bit more curiosity from the dreamer (less likely to be dismissed) due to the alarming consistency of the dream’s presence in the dreamer’s life. Dreams can become more demonstrative in their message and emotional content when we do not attend to them. Dreams have a way of shaking us up and leaving us guessing as to,”why I dreamt that?”.
Our dream tending group will give you an introduction on how to enter into a deeper understanding of your dreams. The intent of the work in the group is not to limit or reduce down the meaning of your dream to one or two themes, but instead to open up dream symbolism, and amplify images for a fuller and more robust understanding. Group members will be encouraged to share his/her understanding of the dream with the hopes of igniting a lively and insightful discussion of the dreams meaning. We also encourage group members to utilize art, music, and other forms of personal expression to aid in integrating and amplifying dream content (which can be shared with the group if so desired). Please join us in our exploration into the mystifying and wondrous world of dreams.

Please contact Dr. Tyler for information regarding dream-tending group sessions. We will not be accepting insurance payments for participation in this group. The weekly fee for the group participants is $75.00 per week and each participant will be invited to attend the full 4 week consecutive group experience at 1.5 hours per week.
To sign up, please contact Dr. Tyler via email at: Lori@LoriTylerPhD.com
“Unlock the Wisdom of Your Dreams”
An introduction into a deeper understanding of your dreams - $75 per session, 12 sessions
Dream Analysis Group
Lori Tyler, Ph.D., M.O.B.
(909) 938-0919
Serving Los Angeles and Orange Counties
2750 W. Bellflower Blvd., Suite 210 B
Long Beach, CA 90815
Copyright ©2015-2024 Lori Tyler. All Rights Reserved.